Our conference website has been revamped. See what's new here.


oSTEM conference attendees sitting around a table, with the camera focused on one attendee with a wide smile.

We are pleased to invite you to the 14th Annual Conference in Portland, OR! Join us in a celebration of diversity across all fields.


Conference Ticket Pricing

Please pay attention to ticket deadlines, as they are significantly earlier than previous years. Ticket sales will open on June 1, 2024.

All online ticket sales will close on September 30 at 11:59 PM EST. No exceptions will be made. If you miss the online ticket window, you may purchase tickets on-site for an additional cost. Please note that on-site tickets do not come with any food vouchers. Additionally, accommodations will be extremely limited due to the short turnaround.

Please submit accommodation requests by August 31. You may request accomodations either during online registration or by emailing access@ostem.org. After August 31, our ability to provide accommodations will be more limited.

Tickets are subject to a fee not currently shown below.Show Prices w/ Fees
Ticket TypePurchase DeadlineMember PriceNon-Member Price
Collegiate Full Early BirdJune 30, 2024$150 + Fees$225 + Fees
Collegiate Full RegularSeptember 30, 2024$175 + Fees$250 + Fees
Collegiate Full On Site(On Site)$275 + Fees$275 + Fees
Advisor Full Early BirdJune 30, 2024$225 + Feesn/a
Advisor Full RegularSeptember 30, 2024$250 + Feesn/a
Advisor Full On Site(On Site)$300 + Feesn/a
Optional Ticket Add-onsPurchase DeadlinePrice
Gala Ticket - CollegiateSeptember 30, 2024$50 + Fees

Early Bird Discount: Save $25 on registration tickets by purchasing them by June 30!

Scroll down for more information about purchasing tickets and add-ons.

Purchase Collegiate Tickets


oSTEM members receive discounted tickets. Member discounts stack with early-bird discounts.

  • If you are not currently a member, you can become one on our Join oSTEM page.
  • Members will need their Member ID to purchase tickets at the member rate. You can find your ID* by going to oSTEM.org and clicking on Member Login. Your ID will be displayed under the Member Tab.
    * We are actively migrating to a new member management system, so these instructions may change.

Group Tickets

We are piloting group tickets this year, allowing collegiate chapters and companies to purchase tickets for their members in bulk. Select "Collegiate (Member) - Group Tickets" or "Professional (Member) - Group Tickets" on the registration page to use this option.

  • Group and individual tickets cost the same, but you may purchase up to 30 in one transaction instead of 10.
  • All attendees under a set of group tickets must be oSTEM members. Group tickets are not available for non-members.
  • You may buy blank group tickets first and then fill in attendee names on a later day.
  • All blank tickets must be filled out by the regular ticket deadline (9/30).
  • Group tickets cannot be partially refunded. Blank tickets that are not completed by the deadline will be cancelled without a refund.

oSTEM Gala

Join us for Gala, the perfect way to round off the conference. This is your chance to celebrate the weekend, the connections you've made and the achievements of our community throughout the year, complete with dinner and entertainment.

  • Gala tickets are an optional, paid add-on - they are not included with your conference pass. Each attendee needs their own add-on ticket.
  • Gala is on Saturday night. Please refer to our high-level schedule for more details.

Refunds and Exchanges

Conference Refund & Transfer Policy:

  • Partial Refund Deadlines: Attendees who cancel their registration by September 19th will receive a partial refund of 75% of the registration fee (not including fees imposed by Whova). Attendees who cancel their registration by midnight PT September 30th will receive a partial refund of 50% of the registration fee (not including fees imposed by Whova). Requests for partial refunds must be submitted in writing to conference@ostem.org.
  • No Refund Deadline: No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after September 30th or for no-shows at the conference.
  • Transfer Policy: If you are unable to attend the conference, you may transfer your registration to another person. Substitution requests must be submitted in writing to conference@ostem.org by October 4, 2024

Additional Information

Find information about our venue, discounted hotels, and more on our Attendee Resources page.

Common Questions

My employer is exhibiting/sponsoring the conference and pre-purchased my registration. How do I register?

If you are registering as part of your company's exhibitor/sponsorship package, you should receive instructions from your company's conference contact. They will be given a private Whova link and promo code for the company's representatives to redeem their pre-paid registrations. If you have questions, please contact sponsorship@ostem.org.

What if I miss the online deadline? Will there be on-site registration?

If you miss the online registration deadline (September 30), you will be able to register on-site. Please note that on-site registration will be more expensive than online prices, will not include any meals, and will only have limited accomodations available.

No exceptions will be made for online registration after the deadline. There is no "late" online registration option this year.

Are registration discounts available?

Yes, oSTEM members get a discounted rate. Furthermore, the member discount stacks with the early-bird discount allowing you to save more if you purchase your ticket by June 30.

I submitted a RFP/RFPT. When should I register?

Attendees with an accepted Request for Programs (RFP) or Request for Panel Topics (RFPT) submission will receive a 50% registration discount* on their conference pass. As such, you should hold off registration until you hear whether your submission was accepted or not.

* There is a limit on how many discounted tickets you can purchase. Please view the respective RFP and RFPT pages for more information.

What if I miss the early-bird deadline waiting for a RFP/RFPT decision?

Your submission decision will likely come after June 30. As a thank you for submitting a proposal, we will honor the early bird rate anytime before the September 30 regular cut off. You will receive instructions for this with your decision email.

What if I miss the early-bird deadline for any other reason?

We are only offering extended early-bird registration for attendees who have submitted a RFP or RFPT (see above). No other exceptions will be made.

For further conference questions or concerns, please contact conference@ostem.org.

For inquiries regarding available conference accommodations or to request this document in an accessible format, please contact the accessibility team at access@ostem.org.